Conditions for Conference Participation
Submission of Research Papers or Scientific Posters

Types of Participation

  • Research Papers.
  • Scientific Posters

Research Papers Guidelines

  • The submitted paper must be the result of a study that has been applied and completed (a literature review study is not accepted).
  • The paper submitted must be original (not published or sent to another publisher), prepared to a high scholarly standard and fully adhering the ethical guidelines and local approvals.
  • Papers must be in UK English only. If English is not your first language, please have your paper edited and proof-read by an English-speaking person.
  • Abstracts should include: background, aims, methods, results/findings, summary. All accepted abstracts will be published on the conference website.
  • Papers must not exceed 5000 words in length (including abstract, figures, references and appendices).
  • Papers must be submitted as Microsoft Word using Calibri font 14 pt for the main text (single spaced and fully justified), bold 16 pt for headings and bold 14 pt for sub-headings.
  • Do not use more than three levels of heading and use the numbering convention:
    1. Heading1
    1.1. Heading2
    1.1.1 Heading3
  • The page size is A4 with margins of 2.54cm all around. Please do not insert headers, footers or page numbers. Do not refer to page numbers in the main text. And do not use multiple columns.
  • Figures and tables should be placed as close to their reference point in the text as possible. All figures and tables must have titles and must be referenced from within the text. Avoid colour diagrams as the proceedings will be printed in black and white. Images must be inserted as picture files (.gif, .jpg, png). You may be asked to supply the pictures as separate files.
  • Paper must follow the APA (7th edition) reference style.
  • Paper could follow the below structure: Title (must not exceed 15 words). Abstract (must not exceed 300 words). Introduction. Study Objective/s. Methodology. Results/findings. Discussion. Conclusion/recommendations. Acknowledgments. References.

Scientific Posters Guidelines

  • Poster displays will be limited to one side of a 4 foot by 8 foot tack board. The poster size is 3 feet by 6.5 feet (36 inches by 78 inches).
  • The poster board number assigned to the poster must be placed in the upper left-hand corner of the display. A poster board number cut-out will be provided and must be visible at all times.
  • The title, author and co-author names, the institution(s), e-mail address and phone number must be included in the upper right-hand corner of the poster board.
  • The main sections include: “Introduction/Background,” Methods,” “Results,” “Conclusions” and “References”.
  • Posters should stimulate discussion, not give a long presentation. Therefore, keep text to a minimum, emphasize graphics, and make sure every item included in your poster is necessary:
  • Utilize handouts to supplement your poster.
  • Goal: 20% text, 40% graphics, 40% space.
  • Make sure ideas flow logically from one section to the next.
  • Use charts and graphs to illustrate data (avoid large tables of raw data).
  • Use high resolution photographs (web images often will not work).
  • Do not use all capital letters.
  • The use of typewritten, handwritten or a printed PowerPoint presentation as a poster is unacceptable.
  • Be consistent: Keep consistent margins. Keep line spacing consistent. Keep the colour, style, and thickness of borders the same. Keep shading consistent. Pick no more than 2–3 types of fonts. Pick no more than 4 colours.
  • Test readability: Title banner should be legible from 20 feet away. Body text should be legible from 6 feet away.